Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Time for some Zzzz's and Some Chihuahua 101

Today is the last day of the April A-Z Blogging Challenge. I would really like to be doing what my Chihuahua will be doing today. Getting some Zzzzz's. Add in the fact that it is still raining here and they are calling for rain all day. Oh yeah I'd love to go back and curl up on the bed with the Chihuahua and just sleep, sleep, sleep. Unfortunately it isn't like that especially if she wants some kibble in her food bowl.
When I said come on Chihuahua lets celebrate the last day of April and the blogging challenge with a selfie I get this look
She is thinking No mas selfies! Yo quiero sleep pleeeze. I know that look all too well when her beauty sleep has been disturbed. So we are going to say thank you for visiting Tails of the Chiwawa during April and leave you with some Chihuahua 101 compliments of Animal Planet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pretty nice blog, following :)