Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Chihuahua Named, Elizabeth Taylor

Gidget and Tinker at the beach
This post is about our Chihuahua Elizabeth Taylor who will also come running or perk up to other little names like Libby, Libby bits, sister and seems fixated at the moment on the number sixteen. One day at lunch I had the phone on speaker phone when hubby called me on his lunch break. He said the number sixteen (I can't remember why) and she came running to the kitchen all feisty- ears all perked up and prancing and
let out a little howly type growl. To this day if you say the number she reacts in the same way. We don't know why which is why we say it and often! In 2008 I was laid off from  my job because of the economy. I lost more than my job that year. Four months after the lay off my Chihuahua Tinker passed away suddenly. Tinker is the Chihuahua in the cute pic at the top of this blog that someone made me Best Viewed With A Chihuahua On You Lap Just as I was getting over his loss and the grieving after losing him, five months later I woke up one morning and found my girl Gidget dead on my living room floor. It is thought that she ate too many stink bugs which built up toxins in her. In the pic above at the beach Gidget is the black and tan and Tinker is the fawn Chihuahua. Those two loved each other.
Elizabeth Taylor
Then came Elizabeth Taylor for whom my E post is about. She came at just the right time- when I needed another furbaby to love. She is also a fawn Chihuahua and related to Tinker. I got her from his breeder. If I remember right I believe they are cousins- or something like that. Having Elizabeth... goodness what can I say? She not only helped after losing two, but she is a pleasant Chihuahua and very loyal. We have had her for several years and just until recently she never barked- well not like some and definitely not like Gidget and Tinker- especially Gidget. We have often said that we don't think Elizabeth knows she is a dog- which is why she didn't bark. We seriously think that she thinks she is our baby because of some of her mannerisms which she is as in the fur baby kind. Maybe she thinks she is just a furry little hooman? We have no way of knowing. We think that because she really doesn't do a lot dog things. She is scared of cats but in her defense cats are bigger than she is unless they are kittens. She has her Chihuahua friend from the park that she plays with and a few other Chihuahuas that come to the dog park but she would rather be on our lap or cuddled up with us on the couch. We just know she is the sweetest little dog- her personality and temperament- we couldn't want a better little girl- and she makes us laugh- often!
In the pic above she is watching the neighbors cat who visits our yard, sets on our lawn furniture and poops in our yard. Her expression tells us that she knows the cat is shady.


Crystal Collier said...

LOL. The cat is shady. Beware. It's watching for the exact right opportunity to take over the world. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your losses. :( I'm glad you found Elizabeth Taylor (great name btw). She's adorable.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your losses. :( I'm glad you found Elizabeth Taylor (great name btw). She's adorable.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your losses. :( I'm glad you found Elizabeth Taylor (great name btw). She's adorable.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your losses. :( I'm glad you found Elizabeth Taylor (great name btw). She's adorable.